Good and bad (mostly good) things about England

Good things about England so far:

*People are very polite, all the time
*Most of the boys at my age are very cute!
*Afternoon tea, breakfast tea, after dinner-tea, love it!
*Very good shopping, I mean, very good!
*Cheap coffee. That’s a good one.
*They’ve got Forever 21, Primark and Starbucks!!!
*The school uniforms! The students look so nice in their uniforms, there’s lots of different types just here in Colchester, depending on which school you go to.
*Shakeaway by the corner just by the library, and that cute guy who works there!
*Very easy ticket system in the buses. Screw Västtrafik, they should learn from the English!
*The carpets inside, it’s nice to always have soft floor under your feet!
*The accent. The British English is so much nicer than the American one. Love the accent.

Bad things about England so far:

*There’s no such thing as really dark bread and cereals that not only taste sugar. At least it’s not common.
*They’re driving on the wrong side of the road!
*…And open the doors to the wrong way as well… 😉
*The carpets on the floor. Well it is nice with softness, but just imagine someone vomiting on it. You will never be able to clean everything away…
*No cheesecutters or whatever you call them! Why is there no osthyvlar?<3
*Junkfood in the schools. And no free food in the schools either. Bad.
*There are schools for only girls and only boys, how fun is that? Not that fun.

//ALiCE med ICE